Privacy Policy

Payrosa Group is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. This Privacy Policy sets out how we use the information that we collect about you, how you can instruct us to limit the use of that information, and procedures that we have in place to protect your privacy.


1. The information that we collect
When you either fill out one of our online forms or register with our website in order to save searches and properties of interest we require your email address, name, telephone number, and sectors of interest.
This information is gathered so that we can contact you and so that we understand your requirements. This also allows us to send you email notifications if you have signed up for them.

2. Protection of your information
The internet is not a secure environment, but we have put in place various security measures to limit any risk to our clients. These measures include staff training, website security, and strict internal procedures, which cover the storage, access, and disclosure of your information.

In the event that the business is sold or combined with another company, the information that we hold about you may be shared with advisors to both companies and personnel of the acquiring company.

3. Contacting us to update your details
Please advise us if the information we hold about you is out of date. This would include your name, email address, and other contact details, or if you would like to cease your website account with us.

To advise us of these changes please either contact us by email via our contact form or by post to Payrosa Group Limited, 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU.

4. Deemed consent
Please note that by submitting your information you consent to the use of that information as set out in this Policy. The details of our Privacy Policy may change from time to time and this page will be updated to reflect those changes. Whenever any significant changes are made notification will display on the website. However, your continued use of our services and /or the website’s registered area will signify that you agree to any such changes.

5. How to contact us
We would welcome your views about our website and our Privacy Policy. If you would like to contact us with your thoughts please send an e-mail via our contact form.

6. Our use of cookies
What is a cookie?
Cookies are small text files that are stored in your browser when you visit some websites.

Cookies are used for numerous purposes. This website utilizes three categories of cookies as defined by the International Chamber of Commerce guide for cookie categories:

‘Strictly Necessary Cookies’ are required for the website to function at a basic level.
‘Performance Cookies’ are used to collect anonymous user behavior data which are used to further improve the site,
‘Functionality Cookies’ are used within the website’s logic to enable certain website features and to enhance the user experience anonymously.
‘Targeting Cookies’ are used to provide social networking and social bookmarking functionality.
By default, all cookies are active on this website to provide the best user experience.

7. What cookies do we use?
The following table lists the cookies used on this website and sets out the name, function, duration, and origin of each. The social networking cookies function through integration with 3rd party websites, but are included here for completeness as this functionality is fairly integral within our website.

8. Restricting or deleting cookies
By default, all cookies are active on this website for the best user experience. Please note that by turning off cookies in your browser you will affect the core functionality of the website and the social sharing options will not be available.

However, if you wish to deactivate or delete selected cookies your web browser may provide options to do this via the Help menu option.


For a useful resource on the subject of cookies visit, which provides good general advice on how you can manage cookies on your computer.

If you would like to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking for all websites visit

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